Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Yep that’s right bitches I passed my test! Woohoo! I am now officially a Hooters Girl and it feels great! The test itself kinda majorly sucked ass but whatever! I failed the first time I tried it, and by failed I mean I got a 81% but you need at least a 90% to pass, but I passed the second time! What did I get you ask? A 96%! So im obviously a genius. Duh. I will talk about some of the questions in a minute, first I want to talk about a hospitality test thing I had to do and some of the funny answers it had.

Question (summarized): If you get a $4 tip on a $40 bill what do you do?

A.)   Say thank you and invite them back soon.

B.)    Throw the tip back at them and tell them to keep it since they obviously need it more than you do.

C.)    Look at the tip roll your eyes and complain to everyone about how shitty they are.

My personal favorite was B! I would maybe add in a punch to the throat for good measure but hey that’s me! I wish I could do that but I have a feeling I would not be employed for long…oh well too bad!


The menu test was hard and simple at the same time if that makes sense. There were certain things that most people would know, but some of the questions were just so dang hard! I think its just based on store locations and what they serve but still it was rough. And I had read on another blog that the test was 160 questions but mine was only 97….ha yeah only 97 that’s great. I have never said that I ONLY had a 97 question test but hey compared to 160 that’s fantastic! Some of the girls did help but they were all serving guests so they weren’t too concerned with helping me out. After I took it the first time it told me which ones I got wrong and what the correct answers were which I really liked. So the second time through I breezed through it.

So having passed all the tests I have to take I was able to go see when I am scheduled! I was a bit disappointed seeing that it is Tuesday and they weren’t scheduling me until Saturday night but then another manager told me that there is a place on the computers where girls that want a shift off put it on a thing called ‘shift swap’ so if I want to pick them up I can so I went and picked up one for Wednesday night and Thursday night.  Then I noticed that the first manager was wrong and I had a shift Friday night, Saturday night, and a double Sunday which means I will be working from 11am-10pm. So now I have five days straight of working and the manager was worried I wouldn’t be able to do that many my first week and didn’t want me to burn out but I love it! More money this way which is definitely okay with me. I just need to buy probably two more sets of uniform stuff cuz really one set for so much work is not going to work out.  I would have to do laundry every single day and I don’t think the water bill would appreciate that so much. Well they would love it but paying that bill would suck!

Tomorrow I suppose I will do my shop thing where I wait on a manger too? No idea though. I think I will also get a two table section so I don’t get overwhelmed my first night but really I don’t think it will be bad cuz these past few nights I have done tables mostly on my own so I am not too worried. I will post after I work my first official night! Whoop whoop tips all for me! Yay!


BD :)

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