Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why I am now a Hooters Girl

Why am I now a Hooter Girl? That is the question I have been asked repeatedly and I really do not have some profound answer that people seem to expect me to give. People act like I must have been desperate for a job so I just settled for Hooters. Which was most definitely not the case. I was a special needs care provider before this, for about four years.  And I coach Special Olympics now, and have for about eight years now. So you could say that helping people with disabilities is a passion of mine. Especially since I am going to school to be a Special Needs teacher.  But yes, I could have gotten a job as another care provider but I didn’t want to.  I took care of my lovely P for about 4 years and I fell completely in love with her. No, not in a creepy way don’t be gross. But I am completely part of the family now so when she had to move out (long story that I don’t feel like typing out) I was devastated that I can’t work with her anymore.  But it’s not like I won’t see her anymore because I live with her dad and brothers and plan on visiting her a ton so it’s fine. Yes, this all has a point bear with me.

I have always been intrigued and slightly jealous of the Hooters Girls. Who doesn’t see them having a blast at work and not get a little jealous? I have always wanted to try out this job but have always had a full time job so I couldn't do it, so yes now that I have time and dont have rent at the moment I figured why not try it! My friend worked for Hooters for a couple of months and absolutely loved it, and made more money than she would have at another restaurant. And before all you feminazis freak out and say its because we display ourselves blah blah blah just hear me out.  Yes, our outfits do help with some customers but those customers aren’t really who we will customarily make our money from.  It really is because we are encouraged to sit and talk to our customers and get to know them.  During my first day of training I saw so many girls talking to their regulars and they knew their whole families name, and their pets name, and their job and stuff like that.  People really do come in to talk to us and just have a good time.  Yes there will be some creepy men but I saw for myself that the regulars and just downright awesome people that come in really make it worth it.

Alright that is the end of my rant.

BD :)

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