Monday, October 1, 2012

Another tip for girls applying at Hooters

Don't be a bitch to the girls when you come in. I will never understand this. Picture this.

In walks a girl who is pretty and dressed pretty cute. But she looks like someone pissed in her cheerios this morning and is glaring at every girl in there like she is too cool to even be seen around us. Then she asks for an application from the girl she was just being a cunt to. Well guess what honey, that girl is going to go back to the manager and tell them you want an app and when the manager asks what they think of you we will tell them that your are obviously a deranged bitch for thinking you would get hired with ones as lowely as us.

Managers respect what the girls say becuse we have developed some killer people reading skills. And what manager is going to hire a girl he knows will start shit? No matter how hott you are no manager gives a fuck if your just going to be a bitch. Sorry to burst any bubbles :) okay...well im not sorry but still.


  1. Im 5'2 and 118 pounds am I fit enough or do I need to workout more?

  2. I'm the same so don't worry you are golden girl. Apply!
