Sunday, September 23, 2012

I hate dumb bitches.

I absolutely hate some of these girls I work with. I know that sounds awful and it sounds like im exaggerating but seriously if I hear one more girl bitch about having to actually take tables when she just wanted to 'chill' today or if I hear one more person tell me to take their table because they don't feel like it I will flip out.

As you might have guessed I had a rough day... I had a double today so I was there from 1030 A.M. and I left at 9 P.M. I did this same shift last Sunday and it was totally fine, but today was just annoying as fuck.  There is this girl I worked with when it was just me, her, and another girl on the floor. This girl will be called mini-brat (mini cuz she is like 4 feet tall and brat cuz its nicer than saying bitch everytime). The other girl I worked with is the one girl I work with that I absolutely love! She actually wants to work and we get along so great! We both don't usually have girl friends because of all the drama. We will call her Air Force (in case you didn't guess she was in the Air Force.) Alright so me and Air Force were running around doing our tables and were so confused why we all the sudden got so busy and were super fucking pissed because more and more tables kept showing up at our section and we hadn't sat them there. We finally got a second and realized that mini-brat was seating everyone in our section. We watched her greet another table of four and she started walking them to my section and I walked up and was like "Hey I am kind of full right now take them to your section." She just rolled her eyes and sat them in mine and I swear it took every ounce of will power I had not to just punch her in the face.

Luckily for me my manager W is amazing.  He walked up to me and was like "Um BD are you really desperate for money? You should probably let mini-brat have some tables too..." After I explained that we hadn't been pulling tables but that mini-brat sat them all with us he was super mad, and it cracked my shit up. He was all, "Oh, hell no. Don't worry the next three tables that come in are hers."  So that really made my day. :)

And another thing that just pissed me the fuck off was what she would say to my tables. She would sit them and be like "I don't know where your waitress is, she keeps running off so I can take your drink order and hopefully go find her soon." So my tables would start out with the opinion that I am just useless and were grumpy with me. Jokes on her though cuz I still made bank today.

Sorry....rant over. I was just quite pissed! But I made $170 today, and I think for ten hours of work on a Sunday that is fantastic!

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